Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Babies in Biz-nass Class

I'm going to start this post with a list of what we brought. It kind of felt like a lot of stuff, and I wish we could have brought less, but I think we basically needed/used everything we packed.  We decided to pack Sunday night, four days before we left.  We were 90%+ packed at that point and only added a few last minute items the morning of.

1 26-inch medium sized suitcase containing adult clothing and items (checked)
1 22-inch rolling carry on suitcase containing baby clothing and items (checked)
1 diaper bag (my carry on)
1 backpack (Joe's carry on)
1 $46 Cosco car seat purchased at Amazon especially for the trip because it was only 10 lbs (carry on)
2 adorable girls (carry on)

We decided to take a rental car to the airport because it was cheaper than parking or a car service and it would allow us to load the car and install the car seats the night before in order to minimize the chaos in the morning.  I had picked it up at the airport the day before we left since I happened to be there anyway.  It took about an hour to get to LAX in Thursday morning traffic around 8:30am which was bad but could have been much worse.

We stopped right outside the Delta terminal.  I stayed out with the car and VERY slowly unloaded the strollers and car seats while Joe ran into the terminal and checked the luggage and tried to pay the taxes for Lizzy's infant in arms seat.  Unlike domestic flights, babies under two typically have to pay the taxes at a minimum, which in this case was under $100.

It was taking them forever to figure out what was owed, so Joe came out and took the car.  I went back into the terminal and finished off the transaction and waited for Joe and Annie to come back from the National Car drop off facility via the bus.  Any trip that has a bus ride involved is good for Annie.  We got to go through the family security line before heading to the Delta Sky Club for some bagels and snacks to prep us for our long underground walk from Terminal 5 to 6.  Joe took Lizzy early and I got to make the trek on a golf cart with Annie which she also enjoyed.  Pretty easy to please.
The world's biggest boopter ready to go on a 24 hour adventure! Looks can be deceiving
When we went to our gate to board the plane at LAX, Joe happened to notice on the screen that someone else was assigned the seats we thought were ours. Worried that we might not get the Economy Comfort seats that we had planned on having Joe asked the gate agent what was going on and we found out that the flight had been oversold and we had been upgraded to Business Class. Heyo!! So, instead of 3 seats in coach we had 3 compartments with a ton of space and seats that fully reclined into lie flat beds.  This typically only happens on international flights when coach is oversold so this was extremely lucky, especially to have our entire group upgraded!  About an hour into the flight Lizzy fell asleep in her car seat and I enjoyed a full service meal and watched a movie. Aaaannnd, it was pretty much downhill from there :)

Lots of full-sized adults eyeing Annie's seat during boarding
Enjoying a couple of seconds of good behavior from Lizzy
Not enough of this during the flight
Smooth Sailing 2 hours in! Too bad it didn't last long...
Let's just say that Lizzy is NOT a good flier. She has the attention span of a gnat, will not watch a second of TV and does not like to sit still in general for more than 5 seconds at a time.

We tried to have some things for the girls to do on the flight.  Annie was so happy to have her bonky and the movies that we really didn't need much to keep her entertained.  We brought 5 or 6 little wrapped presents from the dollar bin at Target along with some activity packs with crayons and some stickers.  We had snacks and the iPads, but at the end of the day really wished we just had about 1,000 small stickers for them to play with.  That was just about the only thing that kept Lizzy busy for more that 5 or 10 seconds.  Definitely a lesson learned.

All she wanted to do was walk around in the aisles (couldn't really do that in business class) or climb back and forth over the divider between compartments. She was also crabby and tired but fought sleep the WHOLE time. She finally fell back asleep with about 3 hours left in the flight but it took a LOT to finally get her down. And even then she kept waking up and crying intermittently. Then she cried solidly for the last 10 minutes of the flight and it felt like an ETERNITY.

Annie sitting on the extra area in the Joe's seat while watching Wall-E
Good not great
We had a short 2 hour layover in Tokyo and headed to the SkyClub for some quick snacks and diaper changes.  We brought multiple changes of clothes for them in the carry on, all of which were used on Lizzy.  Despite bringing what we felt were plenty of diapers for the trip, we had to take Annie's pull up off (which she kept dry the entire time!) and let her be bunsie-girl for the last 90 minutes of the flight so we could put Lizzy in it.  We then headed over to the gate and slummed it coach.  The flight from Tokyo to Singapore (about 8 hours) was a little better as Lizzy slept for a few hours at the beginning, but there were definitely times during the whole ordeal where we thought to ourselves, "nope, never again."

Needless to say, we were relived to finally arrive in Singapore at two in the morning.  We made it through immigration without any problems and our luggage was already out by the time we made it to baggage claim.  The taxi area was clearly marked and we waited for only a minute or two and then loaded all our stuff into the cab.  Both girls were very excited to be in a car without car seats so they enjoyed the 25 minute cab ride into the city.  There was no traffic at that time of the night and coupled with a very regulated and reasonably priced taxi service, it was a great introduction to the city.  We paid the cab fare with a credit card and the fun was about to begin!

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